Selected Works [Vol 1.0]



Lamb 2021 is nothing but barely a great cinematography with absurd nonessential art-house structure serving a pointless pilot beyond which the the dramatic construction was disrupted

.I appreciate the good cinematography, but not to the point it becomes non-senseless

H2S 1969 by Roberto Faenza is a surreal-revolutionist satiric depiction against the futurist totalitarianism of technology. Moreover, Faenza presented in 1st chapter an opposition to the proposition of technocracy affirming, superficially, freedom but, inherently, anarchism. How it was depicted is actually crisp, satiric, Pasolini-esque and 1984esque. The Faenza's final disclosure and revelation is elopement. There are many takes on the treatment of the plot, however, I don't expect much form the political European artistic domain in such context

One of the great apparatus of cinema is how to address an idea and emphasize it without vociferously expressing it, for example, the scene form Sayat Nova's Parajanov, the black background is an emphasis on the isolation of the monastery from the world; a religious discourse.
Howbeit, the isolation itself has, inherently, a quaint composition. The core idea is the symbolization and how the cinema has all the tools to master such technique. Eisenstein, in this context, the 1st director to introduce the concept of stereotyping into the realm of cinema

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