Selected Works [Vol 2.0]



The Believer 2001

?Do chickens give milk

I'll discuss the movie pensively and axiologically. Pensively, Gosling's performance is magnifique w/ a great intro soundtrack. The main character [Danny Ballinet] is in a dichotomy of being a bygone Jew and [Neo] Nazi. Let me be clear here, the depiction of right-wing/ neo-nationalist view against the Judaism is magnificently shown in an articulate manner. Furthermore, the treatment isn't about the ideology-based narrative but rather a representation of the typical Nazis; whitewashed, skinhead, tattooed with traumatized background, however, they are depicted as very intelligent and astute. From intro-to-outro, there's only Danny's psychological dilemma rudimentary study w/ more or little characterization of aspects to amplify the gap. Regardless of the cinematic setting, there are 2 takes: 
1. Ignore what I've mentioned
2. Ignore the first take
Axiologically, really... you expect me to involve a topic like that in such movie [question mark]
Note [1]: Gosling' performance is phenomenal with that low-budget 
...Note [2]: Ironically
...Note [3]: Censorship

Nightmare Alley 2021

Okay! I didn't expect that plot-twist at all. I knew there's something about to happen but not that end. To be involved emotionally I'm —Therefore I was immersed into the autumn-esque and realistic cinematography. It was visually neo-noir stunning and shot in dark colours reflecting the harmful schematic mindset of the protagonist and the whole setting. Such atmosphere is my favourite with the colour palette imitating references as Gangster Squad, Murder on the Orient Express and Drive. Additionally, I'd like to watch endless stills with Analogous and Monochromatic colour schemes with a hazy moving camera and technocrane showing the eyes of the main character. Not bad though, However, not perfect as the dynamic of the scenes was up and down; Up in the first two chapters after that down then up in the final act.

Don’t Look Up 2021

There's only but one role: Publish or perish. Not many non-academics will get it but watch closely. Many cultural references which are depicted well by McKay but the most important one is that there are no atheists in foxholes. Otherwise, it's just a solo movie night. Additionally, letterboxd is poor in rating and reviewing movies. Don't look at their reviews. Note: As uncle Ted once said "The conservatives are fools: They whine about the decay of traditional values, yet they enthusiastically support technological progress and economic growth." — we must revolt against the technological progress. A system who can predict your moves based on millions of data entries due to privacy infringement need to be destructed for its putrescence. Peter Isherwell reminds me of Bill Gates not Elon Musk.

Repentance 1987

My genuine take on the absurd movies is the delicate line between the different presentations. Here, there's a combo of very different ideologies e.g. Hitlerism, Stalinsim and Fascism, are represnted in the main character as one; which are totally distinguished. Meanwhile, in the absurd approach, the one can simply ignore many interpretations to jump directly to his own deduction. For sure, this is the core of absurdism/ surrealism but that's the point: it requires a highly efficient director to be able to move the bishop cautiously.

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